
Wellington: 154 The Terrace

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Fat Loss Info


Work with the experts in Fat loss and Weight Management.

Discover improved energy levels, sleeping better, looking better, receive compliments from friends and family members and enjoy a general sense of better health and well being, all as a result of maintaining a healthy weight.

What’s a healthy weight? Check your BMI here.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It’s a measurement that evaluates the relationship between your body weight and your height. While it’s not a direct measure of excess body fat, it’s a good general indicator of overweight and obese conditions.

What are the BMI Ranges?

Health experts define a healthy BMI to be between 20 to 25. BMIs of 25 to 30 are generally considered to be overweight, while a BMI over 30 is generally considered obese. A BMI of below 20 is classified as underweight.

What’s your BMI? Click here for the calculator in our Fitness Toolkit.

How many calories to lose weight?
If you want to lose weight aim to eat 500 calories less than your daily caloric needs (which you can work out using our calculator) – or burn off more calories through exercise. Ideally, combine the two.
If you reduce your calories by 500 every day – perhaps by eating 250 calories less and burning 250 calories more – you will lose about 1/2 kilo each week. Remember it’s important not to go below 1200 calories per day, unless you’re on a medically supervised weight loss program.

Here’s a link to our Calorie Calculator to see what this means for you.

How Synergy can help you*

Fat Loss and, more importantly, keeping it off is easy with the support and assistance of the team at Synergy, you can work one-on-one with a Personal Trainer. Or you can join our highly successful training program Leanfit that offers the support, expertise and motivation that will help you achieve your goal.

Do it at the gym.

While some people are put off the idea of coming to a gym to lose weight until they are ‘fit’ enough or have lost a few kilos, the reality is that the sooner you start under expert guidance the better. Our programmes are neither ‘therapy groups’ nor high-impact ‘boot camp’ sessions. Our experienced trainers take note of your physical abilities and limitations. While they will encourage you to extend your capabilities, they will not force you to your limits or insist upon you doing anything that you are not comfortable with.

So if you have weighty issues and want sustainable change and improvement to your body shape talk to us.