We are closed Good Friday and opening Saturday, Sunday and Monday 8am to 4pm 3 GOOD REASONS TO EAT CHOCOLATE I’m sorry milk chocolate fans we’re talking Dark chocolate here! 1. It’s good for your heart. Chocolate comes from the cocoa plant, and cocoa is rich in compounds called flavonoids, which help protect your heart....Read More
Festive Season Fitness Guide Maintenance exercise routines One of the hardest things to do when your time is in short supply is to maintain an exercise routine. If you usually exercise a few times a week, the extra demands on your time can mean that something has to give. However, reduced training doesn’t mean that...Read More
All the best athletes in the world train to improve their speed and agility, on game day it’s the difference between losing your marker, being 1st to the ball, taking that gap, turning to tackle the opposition… making the winning plays! So why not adopt the same advanced techniques professional athletes use to increase your...Read More
Salt-water pools might conjure up visions of invigorating ocean swims, but they have little in common with the briny environment. All pools need treatment to sanitize the water. Health threats of pool water include bacteria, viruses and other contaminants that thrive and grow if unchecked. Many swimmers who suffer side effects from traditional chlorination systems...Read More
Here’s the problem with 99% of New Year’s resolutions: They suck. Big time. 20 minutes into 2017 and the question was asked at the table, “So what are your New Years Resolutions” the same old appearance and performance related goals were rolled out, you’ll know them well “I’m going to run a marathon’ I’m going to...Read More
So you’ve been on a mission to get in shape, to ensure you don’t lose those hard earned gains lets take a look some certain food and drinks that may be low in calories or fat but aren’t providing any nutrients or energy. These foods sustain you for a moment, before leaving you hungry and...Read More
Natures anti-inflammatory Fish oil is full of anti-inflammatory and artery-clearing omega-3 fatty acids that help protect your heart. Additionally, these fatty acids may also help fuel your metabolism. In a study, people whose diet included daily fish oil and exercised three days a week for 12 weeks lost a significant amount of weight and body...Read More
The Health Benefits of Sweat Whether you’re breaking a sweat at the gym or just walking down the road on a scorching day, you may be giving your health a huge boost. Here, experts describe the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of a little perspiration. Sweat Side Effect #1: Eases Pain Working up a sweat...Read More
A nibble here and a bite there Snacking may seem harmless, but it can pad your waistline with a surprising number of sneaky calories. While dining out, you proudly resist the breadbasket, order the grilled chicken, and opt for fruit salad instead of cake for dessert … but then steal a bite of your friend’s...Read More
One of the most important minerals is one that most of us aren’t paying attention to – and around half of the population is lacking. Magnesium is key for heart health, sleep, and keeping stress at bay and muscles healthy. Recent studies point out that we aren’t getting enough of it, and this may cause...Read More